Contoh Abstrak Bahasa Inggris


This study describe about the case of a student named Sabila (name suppressed). Sabila is a student class II of SDN Cieunteung 1 who have learning difficulty to read. The study aims to determine and describe the factors that affect the learning difficulty to read experienced Sabila and how the learning achievement of Sabila. the research methode used is a case study. To obtain the data the researcher used multiple data collection techniques. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and study documentation. Research subject in this study is Sabila and the informants are Sabila, teacher, family’s Sabila, and friend’s Sabila. the results showed that the learning difficulty to read experienced Sabila as influenced by several factors. These factors are generally divided into internal factors and external factors. Internal factors consist of physical health of Sabila are often sick, lack of motivation, poor memory, and lack of attention or concentration, especially when learning.  The external factors include environmental factors family, school, and friends who lack support the learning process. Because Sabila have learning difficulty to read, learning achievement’s Sabila unsatisfaction results. It can be seen inreport book. Of the eleven subjects taught, only four subjects who meet the KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal), while the other seven subjects was less than KKM. So, Sabila can’t be able to ride third grade this year, because in addition she can not master the basic skills also feared she would be left behind from her friends. For it was recommended to all parties associated with Sabila like family, teachers and friends for mutual aid in overcoming learning difficulties experienced by Sabila.

Keywords: difficulty learning, reading,learning achievement

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