The study titled Effects of SAVI
Learning Approach to Learning Outcomes Thematic Learning in the Primary School
on the basis of a phenomenon that often occurs in the field is the lack of
preparation of teachers in designing creative learning process, innovative and
fun approach to learning using effective and appropriate media to
characteristics of students. In addition, the learning process is focused on
the concept of not understanding the concept of pronunciation, the learning
process less maximize student activity so that students can not learn how to
solve problems, think creatively, innovative, critical and systematic. The
approach is suitable to overcome the perceived problems and needs to be
investigated is the learning approach SAVI. This study was conducted to obtain
information on the effect SAVI approach to learning on learning outcomes in
thematic learning. This research was conducted in SDN and SDN Pasirmalang
Bunisari Force 2 UPTD Cigalontang District of Tasikmalaya regency. The sampling
technique used is saturated samples where the sample was taken 100% of the
population that is numbered 65 students. After the data were obtained,
processed and analyzed, the average value of pre-test control class reaches
42.81 (medium), while the average value of post test control class reaches
66.15 (high). Effectiveness of classroom learning control is less effective in
the category. The average value of pre-test experimental class reaches 44.04
(medium), while the value of the average post-test experimental class reaches
79.70 (very high). The effectiveness of learning in the experimental class in
the category are quite effective. There is a difference in student learning
outcomes in the classroom learning control with experimental class. The average
value of post test and normal average gain experimental class higher than the
control class. From the t-test calculation found that the Sig. (two-tailed) or
the significance of the two-party test of 0.000. Sig. The <α or Sig.
<0.05, this means that there is a difference between the average value of
the normal post-test and gain control class with a class experiment. By looking
at the difference between student learning outcomes in learning without using
SAVI approach to learning with student learning outcomes in learning using
learning approach SAVI prove the influence of SAVI approach to learning on
learning outcomes of the thematic learning.
Keywords : SAVI Learning Approach, Thematic
Learning, Results Student
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